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About Us

About GaiaTree Eco


Gaia is the personification of the Earth and one of the Greek primordial deities.

GaiaTree depicts the lifeforce of Earth, stemming from nature and percolating through everything, on and off the planet. For people, this can be represented in tangibles and through consumable content, products and lifestyle which provides purpose and direction. For us, it's about preservation.

The brand actively promotes sustainability, by encouraging zero & low waste, ecology preservation and biosphere restoration. These are all achievable. And, every individual is a stakeholder.

 Our Mission: To move everyone everywhere, towards absolute sustainability.


How might this be possible?

By having a vision that evolves while keeping the end objective in perspective. Absolute sustainability will always be a moving goal post until there is positive resource generation, a point where natural resource consumption is overtaken by resource production.

 Our Vision: Continuously provide paths to a sustainable way of life, through content, products and services, that enables and encourages a zero-waste circular economy.


This entails that all individuals and businesses recognize the pressing need for overall sustainability and become mindful about consumption or production that causes more harm than good. Every tiny little shift makes a difference.

At GaiaTree Eco, we want to enable this shift.