As climate anxiety grows and people feel increasingly helpless to stop environmental destruction. It is important to remain optimistic we all can play our part in helping to save the planet and we can all make positive changes that have cumulative impact.
The waste hierarchy is a set of guiding principles for the efficient use of resources. Following the waste hierarchy, can help to regulate consumption and waste of resources. Discover more about it.
Climate change is quite literally, a ‘hot topic’. Tackling climate change requires everyone to know how it occurs, how it affects the planet, and its effect on us. Here’s a bit about it and how individuals can aid in mitigating climate change.
Did you know that by 2015, 7.8 billion tonnes of plastic had already been produced? That’s over 1 tonne per person. Plastic pollution is a massive problem that impacts every living creature, us included. Here’re a few things you can do towards living plastic-free.